Kenji Ikegami
1981年生まれ。熊本県出身。 10代の頃より民族音楽や瞑想音楽に傾倒し、尺八に辿り着く。 2004年より古典本曲を善養寺惠介に師事。2011年より製管を「泉州尺八工房」三塚幸彦に師事。その後、師の教えを基に独学で地無し尺八を研究。現代尺八、古管、法竹などあらゆる角度から研究を重ね、これまでにない吹奏感と濃密で有機的な倍音の地無し尺八を生み出す。 2018年「池上銘地無し尺八」を立ち上げる。竹材採取から販売まで全て一人で行い、並行して虚無尺八(古典本曲)を軸とした創作や即興演奏も行う。
Born in 1981 in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. From his teenage years, he immersed himself in ethnic and meditative music, eventually discovering the shakuhachi. In 2004, he began studying the classical honkyoku repertoire under Zenyoji Keisuke. In 2011, he studied shakuhachi making under Mitsuka Yukihiko at "Senshu Shakuhachi Workshop." Subsequently, he independently researched jinashi shakuhachi based on his teacher's teachings. He delved into studying modern shakuhachi, antique instruments, and bamboo from various perspectives, ultimately creating a jinashi shakuhachi with an unprecedented playing feel and rich, organic harmonics.In 2018, I launched "IKEGAMI-JINASHI-SHAKUHACHI". I handle everything myself, from harvesting bamboo to production and sales. Concurrently, I also engage in creative and improvisational performances centered on Komu Shakuhachi (classical honkyoku).
New Release
「日本古来のエスニック・ミュージックとアンビエント/エクスペリメンタルを独自の世界観で融合する尺八奏者、KENJI IKEGAMIによる最新作。アナログLPは2025年2月中旬リリース予定。テリー・ライリーの精神を継承するチェロ奏者の瀬藤康嗣、アイヌの伝統楽器ムックリの奏者UtaEとの共演による長尺曲を2曲収録。山に入り真竹を切り出し、自ら制作した尺八を吹く池上健二、現在の境地。」
Chee Shimizuプロデュース作品。
"KENJI IKEGAMI, a shakuhachi player who uniquely fuses traditional Japanese ethnic music with ambient and experimental styles, presents his latest work.
The analog LP is scheduled for release in mid-February 2025. This album features two extended tracks created in collaboration with cellist Koji Setoh, who carries the spirit of Terry Riley, and UtaE, a performer of the traditional Ainu instrument mukkuri.
Kenji Ikegami, who ventures into the mountains to harvest madake bamboo and crafts his own shakuhachi, expresses his current artistic vision in this work."
Produced by Chee Shimizu.